Workshop: 'Integrating past and present ecologies' Feb 2014

Landcare Research and the Centre for Biodiversity and Biosecurity at Auckland University provided funding to support a workshop entitled ‘Integrating past and present ecologies in island ecosystems, which was held on Waiheke Island from 11-14 February, 2014.  There were a total of 12 participants at the workshop, half from the University of Auckland and half from Landcare Research, including palaeocologists and neoecologists with conservation interests. The focus of the workshop was on developing thinking around how recent advances in palaeoecological science could be used to inform conservation and restoration practice and how palaeoecologists could provide more conservation relevant data and understanding.  Watch this space for a paper resulting from this workshop.

Workshop leaders:

Janet Wilmshurst and George Perry


Jamie Wood, Matt McGlone, Bill Lee, Duane Peltzer, Peter Bellingham (Landcare Research) and Mick Clout, Bruce Burns, Jacqueline Beggs, Sandra Anderson, Tristan Webb (University of Auckland).